Marketing Materials
Giving a Talk
Fascia for Practitioners
History of The Bowen Technique
Important Information for your personal website
PowerPoint Presentation
You are welcome to use this PowerPoint as an example to create your own or use as it is for your talks.
Logo Usage – Bowen Association UK and Bowtech
Bowen Association UK Logo – jpg format*
Approved Bowen Technique Descriptor
The following descriptor for the Bowen Technique which has been approved by CAP and the ASA and can be downloaded and used by qualified Bowen practitioners in their advertising.
The Bowen Technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy that involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia in various parts of the body. This therapy can be effective to help relieve everyday stresses and revitalise the whole person.
Each Bowen Technique session varies according to the particular problems of the client.
By focusing on the back, legs, shoulders and the neck, a sense of wellbeing can be achieved, helping relaxation, aiding sleep, helping to remove everyday stress and anxiety that can make us feel under-par or prevent us functioning at our optimum.
Running a stand at a Health Show / Exhibition
Having a stand at a Health Show or Health Exhibition gives an opportunity for many people to learn about the Bowen Technique or see the name as they walk past, increasing awareness and familiarity.
To Treat or Not to Treat?
The nature of some events will be more informative than experiential so your interactions will be much more about talking with people about Bowen and handing out leaflets. Other events will offer the public the opportunity to try different therapies and you need to decide if you will offer this or only do demonstrations on a family member, an existing client or fellow Bowen colleagues.
If you decide to treat:
If you decide to offer tasters or mini- treatments you need to complete a Client Information Sheet/Consent Form, covering key aspects such as major illnesses, surgery and contra-indications. Remember to add post-treatment advice and recommend they don’t overload themselves with several therapies in one day. It is worth noting what therapies they have already had that day, if any, both to avoid doing too much and to have recorded if any adverse reaction is claimed at a later date.
Below is an example you can use as it is or to produce your own design and information. We do recommend you use something to gather information from the public and remember to include the event’s details. Ensure you have a copy of your Bowen Certificate and professional insurance, many events require this.
Health Show Client Info Sheet (pdf)
Clarification of cover from Holistic Insurance Services for giving Bowen at events:
I can advise that the insurance policy does extend to cover fairs exhibitions etc both for the professional cover and public liability.
In respect of taster/mini treatments we suggest that the therapist has a sheet with standard questions or declaration to the effect that the
person is not aware of any medical conditions which should affect them having the treatment. Any definite contra-indications should be pointed out.
The sheet can then be signed by each person. In the event of a claim the therapist would at least have a name and signature.
I am sure that they will have an explanation leaflet that could be read before signing up.
Kind Regards
Alison Livings,
Holistic Insurance Services
181a Watling Street West
NN12 6BX
Tel: 01327 354249
Fax: 01327 353555
If you decide Not to Treat:
You can demonstrate Bowen moves on a colleague/family member so people can see something happening. This also gives you something to focus your explanation of Bowen on, explaining about fascia, working on major muscle groups, how the body relaxes so the root cause, rather than just symptoms, can be addressed.
If asked why you are not offering treatments you can explain that, as a professional practitioner, you wouldn’t be able to take a thorough case history in a public place to treat them appropriately and confidentially. Offer them your details (or BAUK if appropriate) to follow-up if desired.
One move, just to feel how it is …
If you wish to show someone what it feels like, move 1 of the Elbow/Wrist Procedure is a handy one. You can do that with them standing or sitting, it also leaves a vibration which they can feel. Say that it’s just for the person to feel how gentle it is.
What to say
Many people focus on ways of making people stop at their stand. The fact is, if someone is interested, they will stop. If they aren’t, they will feel pressured and want to get away if you try to engage them. Think about why you would stop at someone’s stand – it will be personal for each of us, there is no right or wrong, merely different.
- Seeing someone lying on a couch or sitting in a chair can be a way in for them to ask about Bowen.
- A genuine smile, with eye contact, can make someone feel recognised and comfortable and they may stop without you having to say anything.
- If you open the conversation relate your first words to them in whatever context feels relevant.
Trust that whoever needs to will stop.
Open-ended questions encourage more than just a Yes/No answer.
Points you can make about Bowen
- It is suitable for almost anyone.
- It may be used on babies, the elderly and very sick as well as on sports people and the ‘man in the street’.
- The technique is gentle and stimulates the body’s own natural healing process.
- It encourages the body to re-align itself.
- It is commonly used for muscular pains and strains, digestive problems, migraine and headaches, respiratory problems.
- Changes can be noticed within two to three sessions.
- It helps deal with the stresses of life.
Practice ways of explaining Bowen until you feel natural. You will probably explain it slightly differently each time.
Have your business cards, leaflets handy for people to take.
Consider having an event voucher offer – “20% off your first treatment if you bring this voucher”
Many people have banner stands, these can also be useful partitions between stalls. We can offer you the PDF art work at the price of £20 or you can produce your own.
Team flyer
Having a stand with other Bowen practitioners may work well as you can do shifts or just work together. You can also be bodies for showing people how a Bowen session is. In this case a good idea is to print special leaflets (A6) with everyone’s details and all your practices. This special card can also have an offer like “20% off your first session”.
Articles on preparing yourself for shows can be found in Bowen News issues Spring 2012 (pages 5-8) and Spring 2013 (pages 6-7) in the Members Area/Magazine.
* If you require a different image format please contact the office.