Students' Area

Students' Area

Welcome to the Bowen Association UK. We are delighted you have decided to train in the Bowen Technique and would like to offer you FREE membership throughout your studies.
Benefits of membership
Bowen News Magazine
We have a great magazine that goes out to all our members free of charge. You are welcome to contribute; many students have inspiring results with their case studies, it is always of value sharing these. You can contact the editor Dave Riches at
You must have insurance cover during your studies. Part of your course requires you to complete 10 case studies, and you will need to work on members of the public to complete these – even if they are members of your own family, they are still members of the public! The Bowen Association UK has negotiated a special discounted rate for students of £35.00 p.a. visit:
We're always ready to listen and help you where we can. If you would like to chat to someone at any time, contact the Bowen Association HQ Office in the first instance – 01205 401916, or email
The Constitution is an important document and useful to refer to. It contains all the information about how the Association operates on an administrative and legal level. Please take time to read it and do keep a copy to refer to.
The Code of Conduct is part of our Constitution which gives you the information you need to practice safely and professionally. We do ask you to observe the Code of Conduct as part of your membership requirement.
We understand that when you are still in training it can be daunting to attend an AGM. But it really is a great day out and we love our Student Members to come. We will take good care of you on the day. It’s a great opportunity to meet our extended Bowen family. We get together the night before for dinner … why not come along to enjoy meeting and socialising with fellow practitioners. You are very welcome to bring a guest too. The formal AGM piece only lasts about an hour. The rest of the day we have a range of interesting speakers and plenty of opportunity to chat with newly qualified and experienced Bowen practitioners.
If you have a query relating to your training course, you should contact your tutor. If, however, you would like to speak to any of the Committee or the Bowen Office about the Association, Membership, what it's like to be a Bowen Practitioner or any other query about working with Bowen, then please do contact us on 01205 401916, or email There's an answer phone if the office is closed, we will always call you back.
How do I join the Association when I've qualified?
There are 2 categories of membership available to you once you have completed your studies:
Associate member:
This is our non-practising category and is for students who have completed all the modules but have yet to complete Anatomy & Physiology and First Aid.
Full member:
This is our practising category and to join the Association as a Full member you will need to:
- complete all modules successfully
- pass your Anatomy and Physiology examination
- hold a current First Aid Certificate
- receive your diploma/certificate from a Bowen training school which has been accepted by BAUK
- upgrade your insurance from student to full insurance
- You can either:– Pay and upload your documents online– Download the membership form and send hard copy with your documents and your cheque/BACS payment– Scan the form and your documents to and pay by BACS.
As soon as you have received your diploma/certificate, send a copy to your insurance company for full Insurance cover and at the same time apply for an upgrade of your membership of the Bowen Association from Student to Associate or Full member.
CPD – When you become a full member of the Bowen Association UK you will be required to undertake 16 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPDs) annually. The value of CPD is to keep you fresh in the technique, up to date with latest developments and constantly learning something new. It’s also part of the guarantee we give to the general public when we recommend you or your practice. There’s a range of courses you can take to achieve this which we’ll explain in more detail when you join us as a full member.
Give us a call if you are unsure about anything – 01205 401916 – we’re here to help.