What does a Bowen session involve?

What does a Bowen session involve?

In a calm and relaxing environment your practitioner will ask you about your medical history and discuss the reasons for your visit. For certain conditions we may request approval from your GP before you receive any Bowen.
In your Bowen session you can either lie on a couch or, alternatively, be seated if this is more comfortable for you.
Bowen work is carried out directly on the skin or through light clothing, according to your preference; you will be covered appropriately with towels or blankets.
Bowen sessions typically range from £35 – £65 depending where you are in the country and generally last 45-60 minutes. Your first session, which includes a consultation covering medical history and assessments, is likely to be 60-90 minutes. The amount of work done within a session will be determined by your condition. Fit and healthy clients will be able to receive more; those suffering with Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may only receive a few moves each time as they build their resilience. Children often don’t need much work at all as their body’s response rate appears to be much faster.
Practitioners will always ask for a parent or carer to be present during any session for children under the age of 16 and vulnerable adults.
Your practitioner will frequently step away or out of the room to avoid distraction while your body accepts and responds to the moves that are made.
As muscles relax and circulation flows more freely you may notice sensations such as:
- warmth
- tingling
- pressure
- lightness
- heaviness
Often sensations are very subtle during the session and changes become more noticeable in the hours and days afterwards.
After your session it is important to drink plenty of water to help hydrate your body’s muscles and connective tissue. Your practitioner will give you post-treatment advice.
How many sessions might I need?
It is found that 3-6 sessions are most beneficial, depending on your condition. Some clients, who present with mild symptoms, may obtain relief after only 1 or 2 sessions. Ideally, the first 3 sessions are within 4 weeks, thereafter most clients see their Bowen practitioner as they feel they need to.
Where do I go?
Practitioners work in clinics or in treatment rooms at home. Some practitioners may be able to come to you.